The school office is usually the first point of contact for visitors to the school. Most days it is a very busy place to be. We deal with lots of enquiries and aim to be as helpful as we can. The office is staffed between 8.30am and 4.00pm. Please leave a message on our answering machine if the phone isn’t answered and we will respond as soon as possible.
The Office Manager is Mrs Beccy Debbage and Miss Kirsty Sinclair is the Finance & Facilities Officer.
Attendance Expectations
At Fairhaven we believe that regular school attendance is essential if children are to achieve their full potential. We value the attendance of all pupils. Missing out on lessons leaves children vulnerable to falling behind. Parents are expected to perform their legal duty by ensuring their children of compulsory school age attend regularly and arrive on time.
If possible please make medical appointments out of school hours. We expect all children to aim for 100% attendance but understand that children do occasionally fall ill. Attendance is monitored closely at Fairhaven. Children whose attendance falls below 90% at any time during the year are considered persistent absentees. Please contact us if there are any barriers affecting your child’s attendance.
Discuss with us any request for leave of absence prior to making a booking. Head Teacher’s are only permitted to authorise leave of absence during term time in exceptional circumstances. Leave of absence forms are available from the school office. Depending on the length of absence, you may meet the criteria for legal intervention resulting in a fixed penalty notice.
Please ensure your child arrives on time for school every day and is ready to learn. Arriving after registration is recorded as an unauthorised absence.
Pupils must be in class by 08.55am.
Take a look at our Attendance Policy for further information on our procedures. The policy can be found on our Policies page under School Information.
A few things we would ask of parents:
- Please email us if your child is going home with someone else – the earlier in the day the better
- Please let us know if your child is going to be absent from school before 9.25am on the first day of absence. We have a dedicated absence line.
- Please put name labels in your child’s uniform – without a child inside it all the uniform looks the same!
- Please tie your child’s hair back for school if it is long. It saves time during PE, reduces the risk of it getting caught and protects against the spread of headlice.
- Please do not allow your child to wear a smart watch with a camera, or bring in a mobile phone. Older children who bring a phone because they walk alone to school should hand in their phone to the office for safe keeping until the end of the day.
Text Messaging Service
From time to time you will receive a text message from’ Fairhvn Schl’. These are usually reminders of things such as trips out, PE kit needed or special events.