School Meals

Morning Snack

Children in Sycamore and Chestnut are provided with a piece of fresh fruit every day. Milk can be ordered at the cost of 25p per day. The older children can bring fruit or vegetable snacks in from home or buy a snack from the school’s tuck shop. The school supports the Healthy Schools Campaign and encourages children to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

Water Bottles

Drinking water regularly throughout the day helps the children keep alert and able to concentrate. Therefore we ask that all children bring a water bottle to school. These can be refilled from various points around the school when needed. It is useful if water bottles are clearly named.


We are fortunate to have tasty, nutritious school meals cooked on the premises. Menus run on a three week cycle and are changed twice a year. As you can see from the menus below there is plenty of choice and something for everyone. Lunches are free for all children in Sycamore and Chestnut Classes. Meals for children in Beech and Oak Classes cost £2.60 per day payable in advance. Children in Beech and Oak may also be eligible for free school meals if their families receive certain benefits. Registering for free meals also enables us to help with the cost of uniform and school trips.

Lunches can be ordered in advance via the Pupil Asset Parent Portal (accessible via your web browser) or during morning registration. We are unable to take cash payments for morning milk, tuck or lunches so all payments are required to be made online or by cheque.

Our office staff are always happy to help with any queries regarding the food we offer, how to pay or how to register for free school meals. Please ask if you have further questions.
